With the spoilers for Black Clover chapter 356 out, fans witnessed Yuno display his new abilities. Not only was he able to fight Lucius on his own, but he was also able to boost the strength of his fellow Magic Knights. With Judgment Day having begun, the long-awaited fight between Lucius and Yuno is finally here.
The previous chapter saw Lucius initiating his large-scale spell against the Clover Kingdom. While the Magic Knights were too stunned to move, Yuno solely blocked the attack with his Star Magic. Upon witnessing his strength, William decided to promote Yuno to the captain of the Golden Dawn.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Black Clover manga.
Black Clover chapter 356: Yuno's new ability gives a boost to the Magic Knights
As per the spoilers for Black Clover chapter 356, the title of the upcoming chapter is Neverland. The episode's title is based on Yuno's new Star Magic spell, which could be the most vital ability during the war between Magic Knights and Lucius's angelic minions on Judgment Day.
The spoilers for Black Clover chapter 356 began with the other Magic Knights cheering on Yuno to fight Lucius, given how he was probably the only Magic Knight who could rival Lucius in strength. Even Lucius knew this as he acknowledged how Yuno was indeed strong. However, as per him, Yuno was nowhere strong enough to stop him.
Meanwhile, the other Magic Knights tried to fight Lucius's minions. However, no matter what mana attribute, their abilities were deemed useless against the enigmatic beings. It was then revealed how the legless angels had the ultimate cheat skill, i.e., they were undestroyable by any amount or attribute of magic.
The Magic Knights were certain that they could not do anything about them. That's when Paladin Morris was seen speaking about a rational world.
"Rebels who disturbed the world become beings who bring order... What a rational world!"En, Yuno's former teammate during the Royal Knights Exam, started to feel despair as he worried about their powerlessness against the legless angels. He wanted to protect the citizens and was adamant about continuing fighting. The feeling was shared by Sol, who used her Golem to attack one of the legless angels.
Sol's Golem attack clearly looked stronger. That's when Yuno's wind spirit Bell appeared and explained how it was because of her and Yuno's ability. It manipulates the flow of magic power and time inside some space to make the magic of the allies stronger and the magic of the enemies weaker. While the radius of the spell wasn't revealed, Yuno was seen attacking Lucius with "Star x Wind Spirit Magic: Neverland."
The Magic Knights, who were previously unable to fight the legless angels, could now fight them due to Yuno's magic. Even Klaus is seen admitting how he believed that Yuno had all the capabilities to become the Wizard King.
To stop Yuno, Lucius decides to trap him in a Time Magic spell. However, Yuno is able to move around.
Lucius mentions:
"The basic principle of my time magic attack is ageing. It's magic that manipulates & speeds up the flow of time, but..."That's when Yuno added how time does not pass within his ability, Neverland. Upon learning the same, Lucius admitted how Yuno's magical affinity was born to oppose him. He hated Yuno for it and identified him as his natural rival. However, Yuno did not accept Lucius as his rival and attacked him with the Spirit of Zephyr.
Final thoughts on Black Clover chapter 356
Black Clover chapter 356 saw just how powerful Yuno had become over time. He could not only fight Lucius on equal terms but also boost his allies' strength. With every move, Yuno is winning the hearts of his fellow Magic Knights, increasing his chances of becoming the Wizard King.
Black Clover chapter 356 is set to be released on Monday, April 3, 2023, at 12 am JST. Following that, the manga will go on a break.
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