Valorant to reportedly feature Reaver 2.0 Karambit in the Night Market

Posted by Sherie Connelly on Wednesday, June 19, 2024

A new leak has surfaced online about the newly released Karambit from the Reaver 2.0 bundle in Valorant. A recent tweet from Valorant Leaks mentioned that there could be a chance that players can acquire the Reaver 2.0 Karambit from the Night Market.

This news seems highly unreal considering how the Night Market works in the game. The entire news regarding this was reported by a prominent leaker on Twitter. Even though they mentioned how Karambit will be included in the Night Market rotation, only an official statement by Riot Games can confirm the news.

Ideally, players should wait out for two whole acts till any newly released Premium, Deluxe, or Select skins are featured in the Night Market rotation.

Will the Reaver 2.0 Karambit be featured in the Valorant Night Market?

Considering the pattern of the Night Market's arrival, players can expect it to land sometime around the last week of September. However, it is important to note that no one can predict the exact date when it arrives.

The tweet confidently mentions that the newly released Karambit will be available for players to grab when it arrives at the Night Market. However, veteran players who have been purchasing skins will know that the skins released in the current and previous Acts are not featured in an ongoing Act's Night Market.

Reaver 2.0 is a skin set that was released in Episode 5 Act 1, making the chances thinner regarding its inclusion. However, it is a Premium skin-line, meaning that it should be showing up in the Night Market rotation. Nevertheless, Riot Games decided to price the 2.0 Karambit at 4350 VP.

The cost of the Reaver 2.0 Karambit exceeds the price cap of the Night Market. There is a possibility that Riot Games did not want this particular skin to be featured in the Night Market. Since the exclusive animation of the weapon is similar to Champions 2021 Karambit, one of the most exclusive bundles in the game, it is a reasonable decision.

Fans are doubting the credibility of this particular leak, however, nothing can be said before an official statement is provided by Riot Games themselves. Even if the Reaver 2.0 Karambit does not show up in the Night Market, it is certainly a gorgeous skin of its own that is worth having.

Players can still expect the rest of the skins from the bundle to arrive in the Night Market after two acts as per the regulations.

The Night Market is expected to come around during the last days of the current Act in Valorant. Before that, only further leaks through credible sources or an official statement by the developers can confirm the news regarding the arrival of Reaver 2.0 Karambit.

Until then, players can look out for further releases of new collections. People who are interested in purchasing the skins separately can do so through the in-game store. The price per skin will cost around 1775 VP and the Karambit melee from the Reaver 2.0 bundle will cost 4350 VP.

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