These Hilarious Church Signs Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh

Posted by Fernande Dalal on Sunday, June 2, 2024

Church signs keep getting more and more creative, here are some that will make you laugh.

Source: twitter

Growing up, I loved the idea of mindlessly following a bunch of rules that don't really mean anything to me and hoping that these arbitrary traditions will yield me an eternity of happiness.

Plus there's the benefit of a superiority complex that comes with it, so that was pretty nice, feeling chosen and special and all that.

After a while though, it wasn't really working for me anymore, maybe because I felt that talking and studying about having a great life instead of actually living it was kind of a drag. But also because religion always seemed so serious and hallowed, which seemed kind of silly.

Maybe if my house of worship injected a bit more humor into the whole glorification of God process, I'd be more keen to visit the mosque on a regular basis.

Like these churches who came up with brilliantly current and hilarious signs.

There were socio-political commentaries.

The sign in front of a Dallatown church reads, "Blessed are those from the $*!*holes Lk 17 11-19."

"It wasn't so much the President ... but more specifically, the way the conversation was developing around it," Pastor Christopher Rodkey.

— WITF news (@witfnews) January 20, 2018

And even favoritism for local football teams.

A sign outside the Assembly of God church in Brockton listed service information along with the message, "Pray for Tom's Hand, Go Pats!"

— 7News Boston WHDH (@7News) January 21, 2018

See, but prayer for sports goes both ways. Guess it depends on whose congregation is bigger.

Church sign of the week:

— Joshua Hershberger (@JosHershberger) January 18, 2018

Well, good news is in short supply these days.

Today in #churchsigns:

— Ricky (@Sith_Rick) January 19, 2018

A lot of them hit really close to home.

"Shock your mom. Come to mass." -sign on a Portland church.

— Annie Zak (@annie_zak) January 19, 2018
Source: reddit

I mean if there was a direct correlation between praying on weather and an improved climate, I'd be at church every single morning.

"remember last winter? repent or I'll send more snow" --a church sign

— Malori (@muhloree) January 21, 2018

Let's just hope there are some content filters.

Just saw a church in D.C. with a sign advertising free Wi-Fi. That’s either that most awesome or most pathetic thing I’ve seen.

— Dan Rafferty (@DanRafferty) January 20, 2018

The best church signs are the clever church signs.

Church sign in the country:
“Be an organ donor, give your heart to Jesus.”

— Michaella Petrassi (@under_thestars_) January 20, 2018

Jesus: like hot soup for the soul.

Church sign: let the son warm your winter days

— Jessica Pruitt (@pruittyo) January 19, 2018

I wish the the places around me growing up were filled with jokes.

Turns out if I just broadened my worshiping horizons when I was younger, however, I would've discovered that church signs have been cracking jokes for a long time now.

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If only I had known!

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All of this glory would've been mine.

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I mean religious retail jokes? Come on!

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Straight savage some of these signs are.

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Source: reddit

I mean that's a pearl of wisdom right there.

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All right so some of them indavertently make fun of themselves, but still.

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Good point.

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Well, I mean, there's a guarantee...

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Again with the puns.

Source: reddit
Source: flickr
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Now some of these signs are just victims of unfortunate wording.

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Source: reddit
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And some are straight-up manipulation.

Source: reddit

How did this one even get put up?!

Source: reddit

Holy Moly these are funny, intentional or not.
