Singer SZA's pictures are currently being circulated widely on the internet. Her fans are trying to look at every minute detail to figure out the changes she has undergone in the recent past. SZA's fans are taking such a minute interest in the pictures as the singer recently revealed that she had her butt lift surgery. During an interview with Elle, the Kill Bill singer shared that she treats her butt like a purse and added that she got a butt lift done.
In the interview, the SOS singer said that it was there to "enhance whatever else" and added:
"That’s why I paid for it, because it works all by itself."The 33-year-old also said that the decision to go under the knife was solely her own and she wasn't forced to do that. SZA said that she "always wanted" the results she now has with less gym time.
She said:
"I didn’t succumb to industry pressure. I succumbed to my own eyes in the mirror and being like, 'No, I need some more a*s'."SZA laid to rest speculations after confirming her butt surgery
As soon as SZA revealed that she got plastic surgery done, social media users and the singer's fans started looking for her old pictures. They also began comparing them to her current pictures and there were some images that they all referred to quite often.
One of the old pictures is from the 2018 VMAs and the new ones include pictures from her latest Skims shoot and one that shows SZA in a black Mugler dress
The singer is currently busy with her music tour around the world
The singer is currently busy with her music world tour. She is also enjoying the success of her 2022 album SOS. The album became No. 1 on Billboard 200 when it was released in December 2022. SOS marked the chapter with her first chart-topper song.
There were around 400 million streams in the U.S. during the release week of the song. According to Music Week, the album was the third-biggest album in the financial year's third quarter. SOS also became the second-largest streamed album in a week for a female artist.
However, this is not the first time that her album or song became such a hit. Earlier, she made hit songs like Good Days, Nobody Gets Me, Kill Bill, and All The Stars. The 33-year-old shot to fame in 2017 when she released her debut album Ctrl.
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