Mike Sweeney Net Worth - Pulptastic

Posted by Fernande Dalal on Sunday, June 23, 2024

Mike Sweeney’s Baseball Career and Philanthropic Work

Mike Sweeney, a retired American professional baseball player, was born in Orange, California, in 1973. He was drafted during the tenth round of the 1991 MLB Draft by the Kansas City Royals, directly out of high school. Sweeney played his way through the minors before debuting with the Royals on September 14, 1995. He played with the Royals until 2007 before joining the Oakland Athletics, the Seattle Mariners, and briefly, the Philadelphia Phillies. He captained the Royals from 2003 until 2007 and was a five-time All-Star.

Sweeney finished his career with a .297 batting average, 215 home runs, and 909 runs batted in. He is known for his philanthropic work, particularly in improving poorer parts of Kansas City. Sweeney is an outspoken Catholic and has been involved in several efforts to curb embryonic stem cell research. He has been married to Shara Nettles, daughter of ex-MLB player Jim Nettles, since 2002. They have three children together: daughter McKara and sons Michael and Donovan.

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