Michelle Obama appears on the cover of VOGUE for the last time as FLOTUS

Posted by Zora Stowers on Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Michelle Obama is set to appear on the cover of the December issue of VOGUE magazine for the final time as the First Lady of the United States. The issue is simply stunning, but of course we would expect nothing less from one of the world’s most loved magazines and one of the world’s most loved ladies.

On the cover, Michelle Obama is the epitome of beauty in a white Caroline Herrena gown as she poses in an area of greenery. Her make-up has been kept to a minimum and her hair is styled in natural waves. She also can be seen wearing a truly gorgeous sparkly ring and a pair of Monique Péan earrings. It’s simple, yet sophisticated.

Michelle Obama appears on the cover of VOGUE for the last time as FLOTUS 2

The images were taken by photographer Annie Leibovitz, who did a brilliant job of capturing both the class and beauty of Mrs Obama. Annie Leibovitz also did a great job of portraying the fact that Michelle is now ready to move on from this chapter in her life into new endeavours and projects. The images really capture the fact that she is now finished with eight years of being the First Lady and she’s truly free.

The elegant photos are also accompanied by an article, which was reported by Jonathan Van Meter over the course of several months. The First Lady was interviewed by the magazine back in September, before she knew that Donald Trump was to become her husband’s successor. In interview, Michelle said she believes “it’s time” for her and President Barack Obama to move on from the White House. Her exact words were: “I think our democracy has it exactly right: two terms, eight years. It’s enough because it’s important to have one foot in reality when you have access to this kind of power. The nature of living in the White House is isolating.”

Mrs Obama also spoke about life after the White House. She said that she isn’t sure exactly what will happen in January when she and the President leave the White House for good, Mrs. Obama said she won’t know until she gets there. However, she did seem adamant about remaining very much engaged in public service and public life in some form:

“I’ve always felt very alive using my gifts and talents to help other people. I sleep better at night. I’m happier, so we’ll look at the issues that I’ve been working on. The question is: How do I engage in those issues from a new platform?”

Finally, Mrs Obama spoke to VOGUE about being a First Lady and said that she could have really done whatever she wanted whilst occupying the role:

“Any First Lady, rightfully, gets to define her role. There’s no legislative authority; you’re not elected. And that’s a wonderful gift of freedom.”

Michelle shall surely leave the White House, not only as a style icon and all round wonderful human being, but a truly memorable First Lady who had an significant impact on the lives of others.

Be sure to check out the December 2016 issue of VOGUE featuring Michelle Obama and tell us what you think of the photos and her interview over on our Twitter @CelebMix.
