Superstars such as Bruno Mars have always been in the spotlight when it comes to their lifestyle, no matter if we are talking about fitness or diet. Looking at his lean physical aspect, many people find themselves wondering whether Bruno Mars – our favorite songwriter and singer – is vegan or not.
Bruno Mars is not vegan. He does, however, focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, his meals being comprised of healthily cooked foods of vegetal and animal origin.
Our article will go into deeper detail regarding his diet. This will give us a better understanding as to what he believes a proper diet should be.
The Normal Bruno Mars Diet
Bruno Mars’s diet involves eating healthy things at most, making sure that he gets his share of nutrients every day: protein, low fats, carbs, good fats, and so on. He also makes sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, maintaining himself quite hydrated.
While his diet varies every day, he always makes sure that his daily meals contain protein. Plus, considering that his favorite dish involves chicken, we can safely say that Bruno Mars is certainly not a vegan, nor is he a vegetarian.
What Bruno Mars Eats Every Day
When Bruno Mars starts his day, he likes to do so with quite a bit of protein. He does make sure that he eats toast or oatmeal along with some juice to get his daily morning vitamins and fibers, but the center of his meals are egg omelets and bacon. While cooked healthy, they are not part of what one would call a vegan diet.
His lunch also involves protein – and this time it includes his favorite type of meat. Rice and veggies are part of his meal but considering that he also adds chicken breast into the mix, the initially vegan meal turns into a non-vegan one.
Dinner is quite the same. When it is time for his evening meal, he likes to consume beef steak with chicken, and he accompanies it with rice and veggies or a salad. As you can see, every meal he has throughout the day features some type of animal-derived protein, setting him as far from being vegan as possible.
His snacks are the only things that you could say are not of animal origin, as he tends to snack almonds, fruits, and juice. He does cheat on his diet sometimes – and in an interview he gave to the Rolling Stones, he said that even Beyoncé breaks her diet.
He claimed that like her, he enjoys munching on a bag of Cheetos, now and again.
Bruno Mars’ Views on Veganism
So far, Bruno Mars has not expressed any views that he has on veganism. He did not speak for it, nor did he speak against it. According to an article posted in Today in 2018, Bruno Mars gave away Thanksgiving dinners to 24k people.
The meal involved both vegetables and meats, including the traditional turkey that most Thanksgiving dinners have – proving that he does not have beliefs that people should not eat meat. However, he also respects other people’s decisions, in the sense that he does not judge or belittle those that follow a vegan diet.
His focus stays on the “health” part of every diet. Protein is important – so as long as you can get your protein from other sources, it should not matter whether it’s of vegetable or animal origin. However, he prefers to take his nutrients from meat – not only because he likes the taste, but also because it is much easier to assimilate.
The Bottom Line
As we were able to see, Bruno Mars is not a vegan. Most of his meals involve products of animal origin – but he chooses to cook everything healthily. He does not view himself as vegan, but, at the same time, he respects those that decide to pursue this lifestyle.