How to use Vasmrti in Genshin Impact

Posted by Zora Stowers on Friday, June 14, 2024

Vasmrti is a quest item in Genshin Impact required to complete Chapter 3 of the Aranyaka gadget, the Varuna Gatha World Quest series. More specifically, the Sprouting Seedlings quest will appear once players complete the first part of the Varuna Gatha, and players can activate it in Aranakula's garden in 'Dream' Vanarana.

Travelers need to explore the Sumeru region and find 12 nurseries, where each of them will make gamers play a puzzle to gain a Vasmrti. These items are crucial to completing both the Sprouting Seedling and Varuna Gatha questlines. This article will show players how to get and use Vasmrti in Genshin Impact.

How to get Vasmrti in Genshin Impact Sumeru version 3.0

Questline Dream Nursery - Aranyaka: Part 2 includes Sprouting Seedlings. As previously indicated, in order to access this Sprouting Seedlings quest, players must complete a number of Varuna Gatha World Quests.

Finding 12 nurseries is the goal of this mission, where players will have to finish gardening puzzles. Once the riddle is solved, they need to collect the Vasmrti plant and locate the next nursery.

All 12 nurseries in Sumeru (Image via HoYoverse)

Fortunately, none of the nurseries are hidden or locked behind an underground cave or other locked areas, so Travelers will not have too many problems finding them. In fact, gamers can spot an umbrella near the house of the nurseries from far away so it is quite easy to spot them.

How to use Vasmrti in Genshin Impact Sumeru

Plant all Vasmrti in Aranakula's garden (Image via HoYoverse)

Once players have collected all 12 Vasmrti, they can return to Aranakula's garden in Dream Vanarana and help it plant all Vasmrti. All 12 must be used on the crop to continue the quest. It is possible that players will not find the last spot when planting the seeds, which is behind Aranakula.

All Vasmrti grew into Viparyas (Image via HoYoverse)

Now, wait for a daily reset for the Vasmrti to bloom into Viparyas flowers and continue the quest. Talk to Aranakula and then return to the real Vanarana and check the garden once again.

Viparyas in Dream Vanarana changed into Sweet Flowers in the real Vanarana (Image via HoYoverse)

In the real Vanarana, all the Viparyas flowers will change into Sweet Flowers and Travelers need to acknowledge this fact before they attempt to continue the quest.

Eliminate the Withering Zone to progress in the quest (Image via HoYoverse)

Head inside an underground cave southeast of Jadeplume Terrorshroom through a hole near the shacks of Eremite enemies. Inside the area, there will be a Withering Zone. Eliminate the Withering Zone and use Dendro attack on the rock with an overgrown plant to make it grow even bigger.

Play the Vintage Lyre near the Claustroflora (Image via HoYoverse)

Genshin Impact players will find a Claustroflora underneath the stone and can use the Vintage Lyre to uncover a hidden path.

Bring the little girl to the Aranakula's garden (Image via HoYoverse)

Inside the hidden passageway, Travelers will find a little girl named Varsha near the tree bark. Players need to take her to the garden in the real Vanarana for her to see all the Sweet Flowers.

The quest will then be automatically completed and Genshin Impact gamers will see a green checkmark on Chapter 3 of the Aranyaka gadget in their inventory.

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